Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Development of History as a Separate Field of Study

      In the modern day, History is a topic with stringent qualifications. Today’s historical accounts are expected to be based purely upon physical facts and to make an attempt to remove any kind of bias from the work. History writing is also generally supposed to be structured into an analytical essay or a textbook-type entry. However, recounting of history was not always so separate from religion, oral or literal stories, or any type of bias. The writers Herodotus and Thucydides of Ancient Greece are generally touted as the earliest historians, but even Herodotus’s work blurs the line between history and religion as he repeatedly references religious events and the Trojan war in his histories. Greeks and Romans would continue to refine their historical practices.
            Much later, during the Middle ages, people’s understanding of history was very focused on the bible, and this was a practice that would continue mainly up to scientific research began disproving the bible. Anyhow, history has not really developed into its own form separate from religion, stories, and bias until the modern era. Nowadays, it is taboo to include these things in a historical account. All this is very reflective of enlightenment thinking, histories basis, and sole basis should be upon real evidence, and history has developed in to topic and field of study all its own

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